Is Anything Okay?

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As the surly waiter in a NY delicatessen snapped to a group of women he had just served, “Tell me, ladies, is anything okay?”

That’s an old Jewish joke that, while funny, also highlights a darker view of the world. Humor has always been my place of refuge, helping lighten the inevitable darkness.

But today—specifically today—we have to ask ourselves: Is anything okay?

There is so much in need of healing. I won’t go into it all here, but you know what I’m talking about. Did you ever think you’d be longing for the time when we just had a mere pandemic?! We are living through a moment that is existentially challenging. Our health, both physical and mental, is being undermined by abject racism at the highest levels, hatred of “the other,” anti-semitism, sexism, plain stupidity, and a lack of real connection to each other.

Is anything okay?

The artists among us are asking themselves where to put their passion. Is it selfish to still be thinking about a career when the world seems to be crumbling?. That’s an important question. I say, look at it a new way. Think about your gifts as being a small part of repairing the world. As artists and storytellers we have power—so let’s use our power to shed light on the current darkness. The best disinfectant is sunlight.  

And as citizens we also can bring change. We can and must do both. The artist-citizen could be the the new hyphenate. Bring all of yourself to that multi-faceted task.




The Audition


How the World Shrinks or Grows Every Day … Depending on Your Point of View